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Shipping Labels & Placards

The ability to transport materials efficiently and safely is critical to the success of your business. All potentially hazardous materials coming in and going out of your facility must be labelled so that every handler on its path understands the risks and protocols involved. Packages of chemicals transported in the United State -- such as drums, totes, tanks, etcetera -- are required by the Department of Transportation to display the appropriate standardized DOT label on the container's exterior.

Accuform provides a comprehensive selection of DOT and OSHA compliant shipping labels, placards, symbols, and accessories for moving hazardous waste, flammables, chemical agents, and more. Labels for international shipping as well as those instructing proper handling of fragile items are also available. Review our collection of Shipping Labels & Placards that inform and protect workers while shipping, receiving, and transporting hazardous materials.

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